Nancy Johnson

for wilmette park board

Nancy moved to Wilmette 47 years ago to be closer to the lake. She became a licensed Illinois Realtor in 1990, and continues to work as a realtor and property manager. She loves Wilmette's parks, and takes walks in them every day. Her experience as a realtor and her love of our parks qualifies her to serve, but the current board's poor judgement and lack of transparency motivated her to run.

Nancy Johnson

april 1st

The Current Board

My Priorities

  • Financial Responsibility

    Reinstate the Finance Committee to monitor expenditures and find grants and partnerships.
  • Community Involvement

    Involve the community in the decision making process via surveys, town halls, and referendums - and listen to what they have to say!
  • Free and Open Parks

    Keep South Beach free for quiet contemplation and appreciation of natural beauty. We already have two paid swim beaches - Langdon and Gillson. The board failed to provide a clear and consistent justification for the fence.
  • Restore Public Trust

    Hire a new Executive Director who will serve with honor and competence.